How to Minimize NRIs Taxes: Strategies for Maximizing Investment Returns | Expert Guide

How to Minimize NRIs Taxes: Expert Advice

The Investor Community is always on the lookout for ways to increase the returns on their investments. One efficient way to achieve this goal is by minimizing taxes. In this article, we will guide you on how you can manage your taxes and receive a better return on your investment portfolio.

Nobody likes to pay taxes, but they are here to stay, and avoiding them is impossible. However, managing them is possible, and we will discuss three ways to achieve this. The three possible ways to manage taxes are as follows:

  • Complete tax avoidance: By using all possible avenues.
  • Reducing Tax Liability: By reducing your tax impact on the incomes you derive.
  • Postponing Taxation: By efficiently using your money to generate a better return.

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Let’s take a closer look at each method:

1. Complete tax avoidance:

Before 2018, mutual fund gains, dividends, capital gains, Unit-Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs), and gains from the stock market were tax-free. Even the BPF accounts were tax-free. However, the scenario has changed, and now, from 2020 onwards, the gains from ULIPs and VPF became taxable. But the government has given some relaxation of up to 2.5 lacks per year as a tax-free amount. By using all the provisions given by the government, you can reduce taxes to the maximum extent. For instance, in the case of mutual funds, you have up to one lakh exemptions on the capital gains tax. Through tax harvesting, the applicable amount of taxes can be removed from your taxation. Putting up to 2.5 lacks in ULIP plans can also give you a tax break. Use all the limits given under BPF to avoid taxes, and use all investments where you have tax exemptions.

2. Reducing Tax Liability:

If your income is categorized under income tax, it will follow a slab rate (10%, 20%, 30%). Your taxes can go up to 39, 40, or 42.5% in some cases. But, there is a possibility to reduce your tax liability by positioning your investments intelligently in an instrument that will bypass income tax and rather attracts capital gains tax. For example, a bank fixed deposit will come under income tax, and the interest earned is added to your income. If you are in a higher tax slab, you have to pay taxes accordingly. However, if you move your fixed deposits into the debt funds of mutual funds, it will bypass income tax and come under capital gains tax. The capital gains tax is a deferred taxation, and you pay taxes only when you sell your asset. By putting it in a debt fund or whichever portfolio you are preparing, you do not have to pay taxes until you sell it, whether it’s three years, five years, 10 years, 15 years, 25 years, or 30 years.

3. Postponing Taxation:

Another method to minimize your tax liability is by postponing your taxation. You can use this money efficiently to generate a better return. For example, if you invest in ELSS or equity mutual funds, you can save taxes under Section 80C. Also, you can invest in a National Pension Scheme (NPS) where you can claim tax deductions. This scheme also ensures that you have a regular income stream after retirement.


Effective tax management plays a crucial role in maximizing your investment returns. One way to achieve this is by employing strategies to minimize NRIs taxes. By strategically navigating tax regulations and utilizing various investment avenues, you can significantly reduce your tax liability. To start with, make the most of the limits offered by the BPF and PPF, allowing you to sidestep unnecessary taxes. Additionally, consider investing in ULIPs and debt funds offered by mutual funds as they provide a means to bypass income tax and instead attract capital gains tax. Another viable option is to defer taxation by directing your investments towards ELSS or the National Pension Scheme (NPS). These tactics can effectively minimize NRIs taxes and enhance the overall profitability of your investments.

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