Navigating Selling Inherited Property: A Comprehensive Guide


In the complex world of inheriting property and moving money across borders, strategic planning is key. This guide takes you through the process of selling inherited property and transferring funds abroad, especially when dealing with large amounts.

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Understanding the Process

The Liberalized Remittance Scheme (LRS) allows individuals to send up to 2.5 lakhs USD annually without approval. But when dealing with significant estates, traditional methods may not suffice, leading to the need for alternative strategies.

Selling Inherited Property

Scenarios and Solutions

Whether you’re relocating your family abroad or managing assets from a distance, the process can become overwhelming. Waiting for years to transfer funds from multi-million-dollar properties is impractical. Instead, strategic planning can help speed up the process.

Selling Inherited Property

Segmented Approach

Breaking down the process into manageable segments based on your parents’ presence and location is crucial. From making wills to selling property, each step requires careful consideration and execution.

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Selling Inherited Property

When Parents Present in India

Encouraging your parents to make wills while they’re in India is wise. Registering these wills helps avoid legal issues and ensures smooth asset transfers. Taking prompt action on asset gifting or property sales can speed up the process. Selling property aligns with remittance limits and makes financial transfers smoother.

Selling Inherited Property

When Parents are Abroad

For parents living abroad, proactive measures are essential. Helping them create and register wills remotely can prevent legal problems. Planning asset transfers carefully, possibly in stages, ensures a seamless transition. Timing is crucial when selling all assets at once to maximize returns.

In the Absence of Parents

If your parents pass away without a will, collaboration among siblings or stakeholders is crucial. Drafting a settlement agreement clarifies asset distribution, allowing for property transfers and remittances abroad. Remember, the 2.5 lakh USD limit isn’t fixed. Using tax clearance certificates allows for larger transfers, especially for those permanently moving from India.

Selling Inherited Property


In conclusion, clear planning is essential for property sales and international fund transfers. By understanding the process and using available resources, you can optimize returns and simplify the inheritance process. Have questions? Feel free to ask! Don’t forget to subscribe and share to help others facing similar challenges. Thanks for reading, and here’s to smooth asset management and international transitions!

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